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About My Products and Why I Started Blaires Hair Journey
My products are a combination of different oils, powders & seeds. Each ingredient that I use has its own benefit for your hair. When my hair fell out 8 years ago because of a bad perm I decided to go natural and begin using these natural ingredients and my hair began to flourish. I did my own research on natural ingredients for hair growth, moisture , stopping hair shedding etc. Through the years I continued to have use ALL of these oils/ herbs / powders in my hair and it has worked great for me as well as a few family members.
But when I stopped using these natural remedies on my hair I began to see a big decline in my overall hair health. Then I had a baby who is now 3 years old , she became my inspiration to start my own hair line in her name . As a baby Blaire's hair fell out due to cradle cap and while her hair grew back in nicely the back of her hair was struggling to grow in strong and would break off a lot. So I decided to take it back to the natural remedies I researched and use to use on myself.
So we began Blaire's healthy hair journey. Everybody's hair is not the same. Everyone will have their own experience & journey!! But with my products I focus on hair health more than anything, because I believe when your hair is healthy it will flourish.You just have to be consistent and patient!
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